Wind Energy

kIEFER TEK Ltd provides specialized services for the installation of wind energy systems that harness the inexhaustible power of the wind. With expertise and experience in the field, we undertake the complete process from initial design to installation.

The basic steps for developing a wind park that we undertake to complete are as follows:


Identification of the suitable installation area:

Specialized personnel visit the area of interest to ascertain, based on certain criteria, whether the area is initially suitable for installing a wind station. Among the criteria examined are the possibility of station interconnection, accessibility, any indicators of exploitable wind potential, local acceptance, and more.

Measurement and determination of the wind potential in the area under study:

  • Installation of meteorological masts that record data for at least 2 years.
  • Processing of data using suitable software to determine average speed, prevailing wind direction, turbulence, etc.
  • Correlating results with existing wind potential profiles of the area.
  • Estimation of wind potential for the installation of small wind turbines through wind maps, as well as after correlating long-term wind data with the wind atlas database.

Topography and relief:

  • Digitization of Geological Survey (G.Y.S.) maps at a scale of 1:5,000 or digitization of satellite images covering an area of at least 10 kilometers in all directions from the center of the park under study using appropriate software.
  • Three-dimensional representation of the terrain relief of the area through suitable software.
  • Utilization of digital orthophoto maps from satellites.
  • Estimation of soil roughness.

Results and selection of suitable wind turbines:

  • The combination of wind potential measurements and topography describes the three-dimensional wind field.
  • Using appropriate software and fluid mechanics equations, the optimal energy positions of the wind turbines are determined.
  • Based on the results, the energetically and economically optimal size of the wind turbine is chosen.


  • The correct placement of wind turbines in a Wind Park considers wind, topographical, and environmental factors.
  • The siting of the wind park is based on criteria such as:
    • Optimal wind potential of the area
    • Energy efficiency of the wind turbines
    • Low atmospheric turbulence
    • Local ground slope and foundation suitability
    • Minimum distance between the wind turbines
    • Predominant wind directions based on statistical analysis of the results

Additional essential studies and tasks:

  • Risk analysis study and economic feasibility study
  • Environmental Impact Studies (Noise impact study, Visual impact study)
  • Construction Works Studies
  • Civil Engineering Works Studies
  • Geotechnical Studies
  • Road Infrastructure Studies
  • Structural Study
  • Electrical connection studies of the station to the grid or a new substation, as well as electrical studies of the internal medium-voltage network of the wind station.
  • Civil engineering projects
  • Interconnection and internal medium-voltage network projects of the wind park
  • Construction and commissioning of the Station
  • Monitoring of operations and analysis of energy production